Saturday 28 January 2012

Breasts, jugs, buzoongas and over the shoulder boulder holders.

Ah, the weekend. My favourite of the end family.

So I was chatting to a guy last night who has a beautiful girlfriend. Talented, lovely, amazing figure and big boobed. What could be better than that? Nothing. I thought. Well, as it turns out, to his own admission, she has no sense of humour. He was saying that he enjoys his times with the lads because he can actually let go and laugh. Which is something they have to 'agree to disagree on'.

I think that's dreadful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they need to split up right away. That there's no hope. I mean they are a lovely couple. But, is it not important that the person you spend most of your quality time with makes you laugh? I mean, currently I spend most of my quality time with me, and I'm hilarious. But not everyone is so lucky. What happens when the sex slows down? (not literally, I meant over a period of time) When, the boobs go south and the wrinkles set in? Although I guess laughter lines aren't really an issue in this case. Isn't laughter essential? Is that just me? Shouldn't you want to spend all your time with that person because they light up your life? Maybe that is just me. I guess people have their lives lit up in different ways. Perhaps laughter is just something that I look for. But I hate the thought that people would rather go for looks than fun. But again this could just be a personal preference seeing as I shine in one area and not in another.....
But now on a serious note. Yes that's right. I'm getting a bit serious here. Warning!
So I'm driving along and I'm sat in traffic. Pulling up next to me was a van, driven by a man who was sat looking over at me and leering. Properly leering. With this disgusting grin on his face. I tried not to catch his eye. As the traffic moved forward, he stayed level with me for about a mile. There were no cars in front of him and he would stay level with me and gawp. Smiling and laughing.

At first I was annoyed, but that turned into angry and intimidated. I feel sick thinking about it now. 

I have always had a lot of comments as I walk down the road 'big tits' etc... My sister and I were having this very conversation a while ago... in regards to my frontal globes, but where do you draw the line? At what point does it go from a comment to harassment?  
What made this guy or any other guy think that that is acceptable behaviour? He gives neanderthals a bad name. What did he think I was going to do? Get them out? And wibble them a bit?

Now I know that none of the fellas who read this would dream of this sort of behaviour, they may think 'check out the jugs on that' when a well endowed young lady walks by. They may even lose control of their eyeballs as they become magnetised towards the north pole that is the lady bazoongas. But they would never, ever say it out loud in such a crass manner. I don't think....

But gentlemen you are our buffers. You are the ones that have a gateway into a fellas psyche. So, think a bit. The next time you hear a guy talking in a way about a girl in your company that is unacceptable, or would make her feel uncomfortable, let him know it isn't cool. It isn't nice and we don't like it.
If she's out of earshot, let rip. After all, she does have bloody lovely jugs.

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