Sunday 4 March 2012

Well, I'm not laughing

Today I would like to rabbit on about an article what I read...
And no, this isn't just an opportunity to prove that I actually spend some of my time reading newspapers. I promise. Although I have to admit, I now feel preeeeetty smug.

The article in question was discussing a research project from the University of Massachusetts and McMaster University, Ontario, which showed that men are intimidated by funny women.

Excuse me, while I put my handbag down a second in order to pick my jaw up off the floor.

This is terrifying. For some of us ladies, funny is all we've got. Really.

I've spoken about this before, briefly, when a guy I met said that he and his girlfriend never laugh together but it's ok because he could get laughter from his friends. I thought this was crazy. But I didn't realise the problem was widespread. If I had known I would have done something about it. Handed out flyers entitled 'Women. Stay bland or die alone'

If you put into google 'men are intimidated by' the list of suggestions is pretty interesting. It would appear that men are intimated by strong women, intelligent women, successful women, smart women, tall women!!

Now,  I don't know about you but I don't know many 5ft 4, stupid women who aren't very good at their jobs and still, it would appear, dwell in the 1940's. So it's slim pickings I'm afraid gentlemen.

Also this paints a very bleak picture of men, don't you think?

We're all pretty aware that men find it difficult to make decisions that arent entirely lead by their penis. It's an age old fact. I imagine that even picking food from a menu is lead using this human divining rod. 
'What is the food group most likely to get me laid? Steak? I will have eight steaks please.'

Yet, this google list would paint all men as a bunch of terrified little beings that run and hide in a corner the second a woman with a personality makes herself known.

'Mum! I can't have a bath, there's a woman who's made a great career choice, making wise cracks on the bathroom ceiling... Can you kill it? Don't throw it out the window! It'll come back in!!'

Can I honestly believe that a man is turned off by a woman who is able to banter? Are men turned off by anything really? Surely, if he's got some boobs to play with he couldn't care less if the woman has a head?

I have been long resigned to the fact that men prefer the younger, more attractive model of woman. Fine. That's life. I'll never be that woman and I'm okay with that. 

But men are more attracted to the meek, bland, stupid woman who doesn't understand humour but will laugh at all of his jokes, because he's her man? 

I will never be that woman and I'm okay with that.

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